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Roberto Junco introduces Session 13.

Dr. Michelle Damian introduces Session 4.

Vicki Richards, Jon Carpenter, and Mi Young Cha introduce the papers in Session 8.

The Honorable Robert Underwood is a former Member of the U.S. Congress and is currently the 10th President of the University of Guam. As an educator, he has served as a teacher, school administrator, curriculum writer and administrator at the…

Dr. Bill Jeffery introduces the conference and the online proceedings.

Dr. Le Thi Lien is senior researcher at the Institute of Archaeology (VASS). Her studies focused on Oc Eo culture in southern Vietnam, early cultural exchanges and interaction with Southeast Asia, India and China, and archaeology of the naval battle…

CSS Georgia Choice Board for Gifted and Talented  Students.pdf

CSS GA rackcard front.pdf
Educational rack cards front and back.

Teredo Worm Lesson Plan.pdf

North Made New Lesson Plan.pdf

Multibeam Sonar Lesson Plan.pdf

Corrosion to Conservation Lesson Plan.pdf

References & Resources v4516.pdf
A bibliography of books, journal articles, and theses on the CSS Georgia and related topics.

newspaper 2 montage.pdf
Newspaper articles on the CSS Georgia spanning the years 1865 to 2012. Images pulled from USACE & DVIDS public domain & used in display in CSS Georgia 'Raise the Wreck!' Festival

Newspaper montage.pdf
This PDF contains a photocopy of three contemporary newspaper articles on the CSS Georgia published in the Daily Constitutionalist (1862), the Savannah Republican (1862), and the Providence Evening Press (1864). Images pulled from USACE & DVIDS…

Sequential leg irons labeled.pdf
Images pulled from USACE & DVIDS public domain & used in display in CSS Georgia 'Raise the Wreck!' Festival

Military and Archaeologists computer.pdf
Images pulled from USACE & DVIDS public domain & used in display in CSS Georgia 'Raise the Wreck!' Festival

Jim Duff and trunnion cap.pdf
Images pulled from USACE & DVIDS public domain & used in display in CSS Georgia 'Raise the Wreck!' Festival

Divers and Cannon.pdf
Images pulled from USACE & DVIDS public domain & used in display in CSS Georgia 'Raise the Wreck!' Festival
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