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Corrosion to Conservation Lesson Plan.pdf

Report submitted by New South Associates to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Savannah District.

SHA_2016_James Navy Prez-2.pdf
Paper presented at the 2016 Society for Historical Archaeology Conference held in Washington, D.C.

Paper presented at the 2016 Society for Historical Archaeology Conference held in Washington, D.C.

Paper presented at the 2016 Society for Historical Archaeology Conference held in Washington, D.C.

Paper presented at the 2016 Society for Historical Archaeology Conference held in Washington, D.C.

Paper presented at the 2016 Society for Historical Archaeology Conference held in Washington, D.C.

References & Resources v4516.pdf
A bibliography of books, journal articles, and theses on the CSS Georgia and related topics.

newspaper 2 montage.pdf
Newspaper articles on the CSS Georgia spanning the years 1865 to 2012. Images pulled from USACE & DVIDS public domain & used in display in CSS Georgia 'Raise the Wreck!' Festival

Newspaper montage.pdf
This PDF contains a photocopy of three contemporary newspaper articles on the CSS Georgia published in the Daily Constitutionalist (1862), the Savannah Republican (1862), and the Providence Evening Press (1864). Images pulled from USACE & DVIDS…

2007 Final Report

CSS Georgia Presentation Final for June 2 2015.pdf

Recipe for conservation - inerting CSS Georgia's munitions - YouTube [360p].mp4
A team of engineers and technicians spent two months inerting 170 Dahlgren and 6.4-inch Brooke projectiles that Navy divers recovered from the CSS Georgia this summer.

Mechanized Recovery of CSS Georgia, by Jeremy Buddemeier, USACE, Savannah District. The mechanized portion is one of the final phases of the CSS Georgia’s recovery that will remove the ironclad prior to deepening the Savannah harbor. Workers…

Diver JAN 2015 RAW FOOTAGE.avi
Stephen James helps diver adjust helmet.

Navy Divers Suiting Up on Dive Barge.mp4
Navy Divers Suiting Up on Dive Barge. B Roll Footage, Composite.

Video of CSS Georgia Presentation June 2, 2015.mp4
Video of CSS Georgia Presentation June 2, 2015. Video of lecture and PowerPoint detailing the CSS Georgia shipwreck and initiation of wreck recovery, presentation by underwater archaeologist Stephen James on June 2, 2015.

Drone Footage Captures CSS Georgia Recovery Activity. DVIDS. This drone footage was taken from Old Fort Jackson where the Civil War Ironclad CSS Georgia is currently being recovered adjacent to the fort from the barge in the Savannah River. The…

DOD_102620171-1280x720-2765kbargetourMichaelmed res.mp4
CSS Georgia Raising, by Michael Jordan (Cosmos Mariner Productions), USACE, Savannah District. DVIDS. The CSS Georgia 'Raise the Wreck!' Festival on July 25, 2015 in Savannah, Georgia, showing diver activity on the CSS Georgia Civil War ironclad…
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