Protection of Catalina Wreck Site in Biak Water and Rehabilitation of the Surrounding Marine Environment
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Protection of Catalina Wreck Site in Biak Water and Rehabilitation of the Surrounding Marine Environment
Session 11
Diversity in approaches to maritime archaeology, underwater cultural heritage and related areas
Diversity in approaches to maritime archaeology, underwater cultural heritage and related areas
Over more than a decade ago a United States of America’s (USA) Air Force aircraft was found underwater off the coast of Biak in West Papua. The aircraft is believed to be a PBY Catalina, a WWII amphibious bomber aircraft.
When the Papua Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries operated regular monitoring for marine ecosystems in Biak waters the team recorded severe problems with marine life directly associated to the waters surrounding the Catalina Wreck Site. National and Local government have been working together since 2010 to manage the underwater heritage and the marine environment in an integrated way. It is aimed that integrated management of the site will preserve the historical value of the WWII remains and rehabilitate the surrounding marine environment. Rehabilitation involves the establishment of coral gardens surrounding the wreckage of the aircraft.
My intention in this paper is to present the plans of the Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries to recover the coral reef to a healthy condition, to protect the underwater cultural heritage (UCH) and to manage the area for reasonable use.
When the Papua Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries operated regular monitoring for marine ecosystems in Biak waters the team recorded severe problems with marine life directly associated to the waters surrounding the Catalina Wreck Site. National and Local government have been working together since 2010 to manage the underwater heritage and the marine environment in an integrated way. It is aimed that integrated management of the site will preserve the historical value of the WWII remains and rehabilitate the surrounding marine environment. Rehabilitation involves the establishment of coral gardens surrounding the wreckage of the aircraft.
My intention in this paper is to present the plans of the Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries to recover the coral reef to a healthy condition, to protect the underwater cultural heritage (UCH) and to manage the area for reasonable use.
Zainab Tahir
November 2011
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