Discovery of Ceramics from the Koh Sdach Shipwreck, Koh Kong province, Cambodia

Dublin Core


Discovery of Ceramics from the Koh Sdach Shipwreck, Koh Kong province, Cambodia


In February 2006 fishermen discovered a shipwreck off the southwest coast of the Kiri Sakor district, Koh Kong province in 30 m of water approximately 20 km west from Koh Sdeach. Charred timber found at the shipwreck site and large irregular globs of melted metal which encase pottery pieces appear to indicate that the ship burned before sinking. The Ministry of Culture and Fine Arts and the Shipwreck Research and Salvage Committee obtained the collection, which includes cooking pots with lids, storage jars with four loop-handles of different sizes, basins, bottles, kendi, dishes, plates, mortars and porcelain and celadon bowls. During our examination of the collection we selected a representative sample of 88 pieces of ceramics. Among the recovered material we found two pieces of lacquered covered box. While the designs on the lacquered surfaces were quite faded, the basketry core was in perfect condition. The calibrated date was from 1428 to 1482 AD (95% probability). The preliminary analysis of ceramics indicates that they could originate from the Mae Nam Noi kilns in Singbori province and the Si Satchanalai kilns in Sukhothai province, both in Thailand. Furthermore, the same type of storage jars with four handles has been found in the Cardamom Mountain, in Cambodia, where they have been used for burials. In this presentation I will discuss the preliminary analysis of the material and the different ways in which the site is connected to maritime trade routes in the gulf of Thailand and mainland Southeast Asia.


Tep Sokha, in Van Tilburg, H., Tripati, S., Walker Vadillo, V., Fahy, B., and Kimura, J. (eds.)





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