Antiquities Homecoming:An Experience of Rescue Team of Cultural Relics
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Antiquities Homecoming:An Experience of Rescue Team of Cultural Relics
Through five thousand years of Chinese culture, thereare as many ancient cultural relics as there are stars in the night sky. Much like stars, these artefacts are scattered all over the world. For this reason, we established a small antiquity public welfare organization. In this article, we will introduce some details around working in this department and explore our user experience. Some of these activites include; looking for ancient cultural relics, finding ancient cultural relics, identifying ancient cultural relics, and contacting a descendant of ancient cultural relics, and negotiating with the sellers;with the ultimate goal of sending the antiquities back to their home. We felt the sacred sense of mission by bringing antiquities home. We also began to realize the public welfare and the value of the historical relics are common to people all over the world. At present, the problem of the antiquities coming home is emerging in the various rescue operations once again. In particular, as the nation becomes generally wealthier, there is an increase in the number of transactions to acquire ancient cultural relics to obtain profits. In addition, historically, overseas organizations and foreign funding agencies have been acquiring Chinese ancient cultural relics strategically. Because of this, bringing the ancient cultural relics back to their hometown or museum, or returning them to their descendants has become even more difficult. Therefore, our team has decided to create and manage the ancient cultural relic’s rescue and homecoming project. Through which, we will advocate that the ancient cultural relic’s protection and public
welfare for ancient cultural relics is paramount. We will do our best to return these ancient cultural relics back to their hometown, and let the ancient cultural relics engage and influence the public.
welfare for ancient cultural relics is paramount. We will do our best to return these ancient cultural relics back to their hometown, and let the ancient cultural relics engage and influence the public.
Tsai, Cheng Chung
Shuhan Guo
Yuping Zhan
The Museum of Underwater Archaeology
Tsai, Cheng Chung
Shuhan Guo
Yuping Zhan
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