Preservation of Underwater Cultural Heritage in Taiwan: Legislation and Challenges
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Preservation of Underwater Cultural Heritage in Taiwan: Legislation and Challenges
The Convention on the Protection of the Underwater Cultural Heritage was adopted in 2001 by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO). The convention acknowledges the importance of underwater cultural heritage as an integral part of the cultural heritage of humanity and a particularly important element in the history of peoples, nations, and their relations with each other concerning their common heritage. The responsibility of protecting and preserving the underwater cultural heritage therefore rests with all States (UNESCO, 2017.). By echoing the spirit of the above convention, the Legislative Yuan (Parliament) of Taiwan adopted the Underwater Cultural Heritage Preservation Act on November 24, 2015. The Act was promulgated by the President and was also put into force on 9 December 2015. The Law is in seven chapters with 44 articles. The chapters cover general provisions, attributed rights and international cooperation, activities involving underwater cultural heritage, in-situ preservation of underwater cultural heritage, excavation management in the sea, public education
and professional training, penalties, and supplementary provisions. This paper introduces the recent research projects of underwater cultural heritage in Taiwan, illustrates the enactment process of the new law and highlights its main features. The paper concludes that it is essential to have further integration of management affairs, establishing national research institute, strengthening the international cooperation and the professional training, implementing related bylaws and mechanisms, and promoting public awareness, which also become daunting challenges faced by Taiwan as it marches toward the protection of its precious underwater cultural heritage.
and professional training, penalties, and supplementary provisions. This paper introduces the recent research projects of underwater cultural heritage in Taiwan, illustrates the enactment process of the new law and highlights its main features. The paper concludes that it is essential to have further integration of management affairs, establishing national research institute, strengthening the international cooperation and the professional training, implementing related bylaws and mechanisms, and promoting public awareness, which also become daunting challenges faced by Taiwan as it marches toward the protection of its precious underwater cultural heritage.
Ching-Ching Kuo
Chun-Pei Liao
Wen-Yan Chiau
The Museum of Underwater Archaeology
Ching-Ching Kuo
Chun-Pei Liao
Wen-Yan Chiau
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