PRIISMH project: A Case Study of Community Involvement and Museum Collaboration on Maritime Cultural Heritage around Rottnest Island (Perth, Western Australia)
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PRIISMH project: A Case Study of Community Involvement and Museum Collaboration on Maritime Cultural Heritage around Rottnest Island (Perth, Western Australia)
The Program for the Rottnest Island Interpretation of Shipwrecks and Maritime Heritage (PRIISMH) project is a community-based initiative conducted under the aegis of the Maritime Archaeology Association of Western Australia (MAAWA), in collaboration with the Western Australian Museum (WAM), the Rottnest Island Authority (RIA), Tempus Archaeology, and Shipwreck Data, with sponsorship provided by the Maritime Museums of Australia Project Support Scheme (MMAPSS 2016-2017) from the Australian National Maritime Museum. The main objective of the PRIISMH project was to enhance the presentation of Rottnest Island maritime cultural heritage through the use of new and innovative forms of interpretation involving terrestrial and underwater 3D Photogrammetry as a key element in for public engagement.
Specifically, the project was initially developed to address issues identified in a recent condition report on the Rottnest Onshore Shipwreck Plaques (MAAWA, 2015), relating to existing interpretive signage on the island. As a consequence, MAAWA and RIA identified as a priority the need to update existing land-based shipwreck signage (currently over thirty years old) in order to address potential health and safety issues, to improve overall visitor experience, and to improve public accessibility to the Rottnest Island underwater shipwreck heritage.
The project represents a new stage in an on-going long-term program of site documentation, management and interpretation within the broad Perth region, initiated by MAAWA in 2014 under the aegis of the Three-Dimensional (3D) Maritime Archaeology Project – Perth Region (3DMAPRR, Edwards et al. 2016). The structure and nature of the project also allowed it to be connected to another MAAWA earlier initiative (2013), namely the ‘Shipwrecks WA’ website and app platform to expand the audience outreach.
Specifically, the project was initially developed to address issues identified in a recent condition report on the Rottnest Onshore Shipwreck Plaques (MAAWA, 2015), relating to existing interpretive signage on the island. As a consequence, MAAWA and RIA identified as a priority the need to update existing land-based shipwreck signage (currently over thirty years old) in order to address potential health and safety issues, to improve overall visitor experience, and to improve public accessibility to the Rottnest Island underwater shipwreck heritage.
The project represents a new stage in an on-going long-term program of site documentation, management and interpretation within the broad Perth region, initiated by MAAWA in 2014 under the aegis of the Three-Dimensional (3D) Maritime Archaeology Project – Perth Region (3DMAPRR, Edwards et al. 2016). The structure and nature of the project also allowed it to be connected to another MAAWA earlier initiative (2013), namely the ‘Shipwrecks WA’ website and app platform to expand the audience outreach.
Nicolas Bigourdan
The Museum of Underwater Archaeology
Nicolas Bigourdan
Date Created
November 2017
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