Into The Water By Olivia Thomas 27 May 2016
Inlet to the ocean and our site, as seen from the roof of our house on Broad Key (photo by O. Thomas).
Our first two days on island were spent getting things organized, cleaned up, exploring our temporary island home, and psyching ourselves up for the day we finally got to go diving. After heading to bed early the first two nights and missing the sunset, Annie and I decided to try to get some pictures last night. Even though the actual sunset was obscured by a storm cloud, we got a few good shots before we lost the sun.
Today was our first day on the water. We divided into three student buddy teams to draw mud maps and get a general site orientation on the first dive. On the second dive, two buddy teams laid a baseline and the third laid out a unit square, each under the supervision of a crew chief. I was on the baseline team and it was, for most of us, the first time laying a baseline under water. We all worked well together and got the baseline laid in about thirty minutes; after which we spent another twenty minutes getting a closer look at the site and hand-fanning some of the exposed timbers.
Sunset over Broad Key (photo by O. Thomas).
After returning to land and rinsing gear, we all got cleaned up and sat down for an afternoon meeting. Our plan is to start excavating a couple of the new units, that were set up today, tomorrow in rotating teams of divers. As we prepare dinner and organize and gather the necessary equipment for tomorrow�s work, we all cross our fingers for good weather and exciting work.
Sunset over Elliot Key from our dock .
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