General Gage
Short on tools, money, and the good will of the local inhabitants General Thomas Gage in New York ordered supplies to be sent to the desperate garrison. The loss of the Industry was a serious blow to the garrison.
The Industry was a privately owned vessel commanded by Captain Daniel Lawrence. It set out from New York carrying the subsistence money, 6 pound guns and ammunition, artificers tools as requested to supply several of the outposts and settlements being taken over from the Spanish. The British were struggling to cope with the enormous task of protecting East and West Florida. The Commander of British Forces General Thomas Gage, had sent the materials to Major Ogilvie along with a warning to "be particularly careful, that they are not Mislaid, or abused, but solely made use of in such Publick Works as may be carryed on for the King." The warnings, however, did not stop the Industry from wrecking upon the bar off St. Augustine.
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