In a letter to General Gage, Major Ogilvie expressed his concerns over the wreck, the local population, troubles with the natives of the region, and the survival of the colony itself.
13 May 1764,
I have the Hon'r of Your Excellency's letter, I am extremely sorry to acquaint
you that the Industry Transport, Commanded by Captain Lauranes (sic) was
unfortunately cast away off the Bar of St. Augustine the 6th Inst. Sent all
boats in this Post out to her Assistance ordered a Guard to take care of the
wreck, fortunately sav'd six Boxes of Money some Flower and carpenter's tools.
Shall send a Return of them to Col. Robertson in order to lay it before you.
Now Sr. I ant by leave to observe that this Post must be ruined & undone if
their is not some step taken to put a stop to the Villainous proceedings of
Loseing Vessels on the Bar here which are insured above their value: I am told
that Capt. Laurences's Vessel was insur'd, he never sent to acquaint me that
he was off, by that means the (Reg't (?)) was lost, not having Boats to bring
him in. The Inhabitants of East Florida consist of a set of People who have
absconded from other Colonies for Debts & other Causes, as the wreck was greatly
scattered along the coast it was impossible for the Guard to extend itself so far,
so that the inhabitants have taken a great many of the King's Arms, propose making
a search in order to see if I can detect any of them... If I do I shall be glad to
know from your Excellency whether or not my power extends so far as to make an
example of some of them, which would be absolutely necessary for the good of this
Colony, have sent express the sloop Anne to acquaint you of this disaster. A Mr.
(Furst ?) informs me that the Creek Indians are very tardy in giving Satisfaction
for the murder they have Committed in the back Settlement of a South Carolinian. In
case an Indian War the small artillery are absolutely necessary for the defence of
the advanced Posts, you may be assured I'll do everything in my power for securing
these Posts in the best manner possible..."