Our enemies encountered us with such undaunted Courage

Centropyxis is a bacteriovore testate amoeba found in the 32-mi. long Lake George, New York. Lake George, in the Adirondack Mountains, was the scene of much military action during the colonial wars. One defining characteristic of Centropyxis is a shell (test) with 5 or 6 spiny protrusions. The colonial dock, an underwater historic site in Lake George built by British and provincial soldiers in 1758 during the French & Indian War (1755-1763), was constructed out of timbers and rock. The waterfront structure was constructed for the larger warships being built by the British at the south end of the strategic waterway. The remains of the submerged dock structure lie in 4 to 5 ft. of water near Lake George's current Million Dollar Beach. The military dock structure is one of the best surviving examples of a solid-cobb type wharf from the French & Indian War. From 2002-2004, under permit from the State of New York, the site was mapped by Bateaux Below, Inc., a not-for-profit underwater archaeology team.

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