Suggestions for Further Reading

Kimura, J, Staniforth, M, Le,T.L, and Sasaki, R 2013 ‘Naval battlefield archaeology of the lost Kublai Khan fleets’, The International Journal of Nautical Archaeology, accepted 6 May 2013.

The Archaeology of Battle - Magnetic survey of Bach Dang in Vietnam. The INA Quarterly. Vol.39. No 1 & 2. pp. 24-27. See: inaq_vol39nos1_2_2012?mode=window&pageNumber=1

Kimura, J 2011 ‘Report: Archaeological surveying and excavation at Dong Ma Ngua site in 2010’, The INA Annual 2010 Projects and Research, pp.44-49.

Kimura, J 2012.‘Archaeological survey at the Bach Dang historical battlefield’, The INA Annual 2011 Projects and Research, pp.80-92.

Lê, T. L., Nguyễn, T.M.H, Pham, C., Staniforth, M., Delgado, J.P., Kimura, J and Sasaki. R. 2011 'Understanding the Bach Dang Battlefield from Recent Research Results'. In M. Staniforth et al. Proceedings on the Asia-Pacific Regional Conference on Underwater Cultural Heritage, Asian Academy for Heritage Management. Manila, pp. 77-90.
