Suggested Reading and DVD Documentary Viewing about "The Sunken Fleet of 1758"

Empires in the Mountains: French and Indian War Campaigns and Reports in the Lake Champlain, Lake George, and Hudson River Corridor. By Russell P. Bellico. Fleishmanns, New York, 2010.

The Great Warpath: British Military Sites from Albany to Crown Point. By David R. Starbuck. University Press of New England, Hanover, New Hampshire, 1999.

Lake George Shipwrecks and Sunken History. By Joseph W. Zarzynski & Bob Benway. The History Press, Charleston South Carolina, 2011.

Sales and Steam in the Mountains: a Maritime and Military History of Lake George and Lake Champlain. By Russell P. Bellico. Purple Mountain Press, Fleischmann's, New York, 2001.

DVD Documentaries:
"The Lost Radeau: North America's Oldest Intact Worship." Pepe Productions in conjunction with Bateaux Below, Inc., Black Laser Learning & Whitesel Graphics. Written by John Whitesel & Joseph W. Zarzynski. Directed by Peter Pepe. 2005, 57 minutes.
View trailers here:

"Wooden Bones: The Sunken Fleet of 1758." Pepe Productions & Bateaux Below, Inc. written by Joseph W. Zarzynski. Directed by Peter Pepe. 2010, 58 minutes.
View the trailer here:

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