Construction turned Archaeological Investigation
300 Spear Street Project–Location Map
Tishman Speyer, the sponsor of the 300 Spear Street Project, began construction of two multistory towers that would incorporate a five-level, subterranean parking garage in the South of Market area of San Francisco, California. To mitigate the destruction of buried cultural deposits during project excavations, William Self Associates, Inc. (WSA) developed and carried out an Archaeological Testing Program and subsequent Archaeological Monitoring and Data Recovery Program.
WSA completed the preconstruction archaeological testing program on April 7, 2005. The results of the testing program indicated that the entire project area was potentially culturally sensitive. Consequently, beginning on July 7, 2005 and continuing through October 21, 2005, WSA archaeologists monitored project excavations through the project area until it was determined that the excavations had reached culturally sterile sediments.
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