Unearthing the Candace
The Candace. The location, orientation, and configuration of the hull remains suggested the ship was associated with the activities of Charles Hare's mid-19th century ship breaking operations. The remnants of a platform used by ship breakers are visible in the background.
The archaeological process relied on the strategic placement of a combination of auger bores, trenches, and excavation to identify in advance of construction the general location and nature of buried cultural deposits. Observations and discoveries during the monitoring of potholing and perimeter trench excavation were also utilized in the identification and initial assessment of cultural deposits. In this way, the results of the archaeological testing were used in consultation with construction personnel to coordinate the controlled exposure and recovery of potentially significant remains as part of the construction excavation plan.
One significant feature consisted of the stern section and bare keel of an early circa 1800s wood sailing ship. The stern portion of the ship was relatively well preserved, aside from recent damage caused to the upper timbers and stern post by the excavator. The rudder was complete and mounted on the sternpost. Thin copper sheathing (0.08-inch thick) covered most of the outer hull and rudder; it was fastened with copper sheathing nails.
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